Sunday, 3 February 2013

4 of 29 faces

I know, I'm early on with this one, but then I do not have to work on a face tomorrow. This gives me time for other important stuff I have to do ;-)

one young lady on a magazine

About the process:

a layer of golden acrylic on top of a water/acrylic ochre wash makes the background - it is not very easy to make the pastels stick onto the gold, especially the white pastel! I use a spray (ordinary hair-spray) for the pastel to stay on. With every spray a transparent layer is building up. I don't know how durable this process is. I am working in a sketchbook. I have no idea, what would be the right thing to use "for sale" peaces.
I have to add, I am not a professional artist. I never learned how to finish a work properly. This is the next thing for me to learn!


  1. Your faces are wonderfull.
    I love the headphone, the girl is cute and this one reminds me of Da Vinci Hermeline lady. Enjoy creating your other faces.

  2. Your faces are all great Ilona, but I especially love this one!

  3. She's so striking, I feel as though she's looking into me!

  4. Looks fabulous, great texture too!

  5. she is stunning!!! love the texture, love her hair. she looks like julianne moore

  6. Liebe Ilona,
    danke schön, für Deinen Besuch und Deinen lieben Kommentar :)
    Das Gesicht wird nicht gebrannt, es ist ein Material, das sich paper clay nennt, und das mir bis vor kurzem auch fremd war. Es ist eine Art Papiermasse, die an der Luft trocknet und sehr hart wird, die man bearbeiten kann, wie Holz.

    Dein 4. Gesicht, finde ich seeeehr schön. Ich liebe Bilder mit Gold! Und finde diese Komposition sehr stimmig und das Gesicht ist sehr fein gemalt.
    Liebe Grüße und :)

  7. She is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your process! You make me want to try it out!

  8. She's very powerful. Love the colors and texture. Your faces are great!

  9. really lovely!!! WOnderful work!!!
    If you would like to visit my page feel free! :D

  10. wow she is soft and floaty looking I love her, thanks for sharing the process


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