Thursday, 7 March 2013

Some tryouts and funny stuff worked on the last few days

A little canvas painted for Art Abandonment. I'm going to leave it somewhere in our little town for somebody to take it home and enjoy. :-)
Hope it will work!

A lino cut - half a face

And a butterfly tasting a cactus flower

This little series show an idea I have for future pupils. they will have to take a story they have written or worked with, write it on a peace of paper (or print it) and then proceed in a similar style as I did.

After some coloring they have to find images in newspapers and books... that fit to the content of their story. The result will be a mixture of collage and painting, telling the story.
What do you think? Would you want your children to work with literature in this way???
Let me hear some parents' opinion!

Linking up with Paint Party Friday !!! See the fantabulous artists from around the world over there :-)

I have been so busy the last few weeks and more busy work is waiting ahead, but I will hopefully be able to visit all of you during the next few days!

Thank you all for your support, kind words left in the comments section. I would be alone with my art if it were not for you all!

Ilona xxx


  1. Someone will surely treasure this piece of magic you have created :)

  2. I think art abandonment is a lovely idea. im sure someone will love finding this!

  3. Love the idea of the art abandonment project!
    And your last project for the students looks cool! Reminds me of a map! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  4. the person who finds your painting is very lucky!!

  5. Great idea!! Hope they love it!! It's beautiful!!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. sounds like a terrific lesson plan idea...very creative. maybe provide magazine images to choose from rather than the whole magazine. I found students can spend a lot of time just looking through the magazine to find the 'right' image! love your butterfly...

  7. Like the idea of your new lesson and am sure your young students will enjoy playing with it. Hope you get to hear who picks up your abandonment painting. Happy PPF, Annette.

  8. I love those vigorous lines in the butterfly... such energy...xx

  9. Love the beautiful, assertive lines of the butterfly, the cute linocut and the pretty expressiveness of the first piece! <3 Your lesson plan sounds wonderful and imaginative!

  10. What a great idea on the abandonment project -- but perhaps it is more of a random gift/kindness project? It seems like you are sending them out into the world to make a new home with someone, not to be alone. I like the story project idea, too. Kids are amazing at telling and drawing their stories. Let us know what how they react to your tutoring.

  11. Guten Morgen, liebe Ilona!
    Danke schön für Deinen Besuch bei mir und Deine lieben Worte.
    Ich freue mich, dass Du mich besuchst - kann von mir das Gleiche sagen, also, dass ich oft und gerne bei Dir bin.
    Dein Bild mit dem Gesicht ist sehr schön geworden. Gesichter faszinieren mich immer noch sehr :)und Deine Farben, die Farbgebung ist faszinierend. Ein bißchen wie die alten Meister ... oder ? Ist das Rötel?
    Dein Schmetterling ist von einer schönen Leichtigkeit und zeigt das, was wir gerade im Aussen vermissen. Ich hangele mich hier durch die Schneetage und es erinnert mich doch ziemlich an die Tage, als der Vulkan auf Island unseren Himmel verdüsterte.

    Augen zu und durch?! Ja, wie gut, dass es Farben gibt!

    Ich wünsche Dir eine bunte und kreative Woche und schicke Dir viele liebe Grüße


Your comments make me happy!