Monday, 15 January 2018

Here's some news for you all:
I'm preparing for an exhibition in May this year and these paintings are among the paintings I have lately worked on and think of showing.

I haven't been on my blog for a long long time and actually, time for this is, what I don't have ;-)

Hoping you are well!
Greetings from


I'm curious! What are your thoughts about the pieces I show here?
Do you have a favorite?


  1. Das sind ja tolle und sehr unterschiedliche Porträts, klasse gemacht! Allerdings kann ich aus Gesichtern so gut wie nichts lesen (Autistin), sie sind für mich ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln. Mir gefällt am besten das vorletzte Bild in seinen Farben und es regt meine Phantasie an.
    Viel Erfolg bei der Ausstellung, sowas vorzubereiten ist ja auch immer ein Haufen Arbeit und Überlegung. Schön, dasz Du Zeit zum Bloggen gefunden hast und danke für Deinen Besuch.
    Liebe Grüsze

  2. Good luck with your exhibit! What a wonderful body of work!

  3. So much wonderful work. Interesting, expressive style and so many kinds of faces! One thing I've found is it can be difficult to get good comments when you have tons of pieces in one post. But, welcome back to blogging and congratulations on your show!

  4. Magnificent art work ~ you will do well in your up and coming show!
    Congrats! Excited for you ^_^

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Wow, there are some really beautiful paintings here Ilona! How exciting for you to have an exhibition. Nice to see you back on PPF!

  6. Congratulations on the exhibit. I'm sure any or all of these pieces will look fabulous when hung on a wall. :)

  7. Oh these are wonderful! I especially love the first one with the bird and the lineart of the last one. I hope the exhibit goes great.

  8. Congratulation on the exhibition! My favorite is the girl with the bird on her head. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful pieces.

  9. These are stunning Ilona! Difficult to choose a favourite because they are all so rich with depth of emotion! Great expression! Love the babies so much then number8 and the last one would be my top three in that order too! Congratulations on your exhibition!
    So good to see you here again...

    Peace Giggles

  10. Beautiful and deep work, lots of silent emotions. Good luck at exhibition!


Your comments make me happy!