Sunday, 23 October 2011


Her følger de første forsøg og eksempler på radering med koldnål.


 En sjov papegøje, første forsøg.
The parrot is a free "drawing" with cold needle on acetate. Patterns are used to accentuate the different parts of the bird.
The bird below is drawn after a padded bird, sitting on a wooden block. This makes the drawing more lively. Still it is not a good choice of context I put the bird into. Today I would work on that, finding a more interesting setting for the picture. 

 Fuglen på grenen, helt fin, men den mangler lidt udtryk.

 Her er der så kommet mere liv i billedet, men jeg vil
gerne lave nogle flere tryk af den.

The owl is drawn after a photograph I had worked with earlier and which was "cut to pieces". Quite an interesting effect. I like the expression of the eyes.

Cold needle etching after a photograph of my mother when she was about 20.

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